Manufacturer: X-Plus Heavy Metal Collection
Product code: AVE72001
Scale: 1/72
Availability: Kokkusai boeki Japanese exclusive
Release date: July 2011
Price: $AUD108
This is the 3rd F-4 released by X-Plus sponsored exclusively by the Japanese distributor for X-Plus. It has as much detail as the 2nd release, but the details blend in better with its colour scheme. Despite its price, this is a very nice release. I look forward to more F-4's by X-Plus. Though I'm not a JASDF fan, I do hope they do the blue maritime camouflage scheme.
Manufacturer: X-Plus Heavy Metal Collection
Product code: 330081
Scale: 1/72
Availability: Worldwide
Release date: May 2011
Price: $AUD108
This is the second F-4 released by X-Plus. The first thing that strikes you about this model is the amazing amount of detail covering the model. No other brand has done the same level of detail as this model, but then thats where a lot of costs go. Apparently this model takes about 3 times as long as other similar models. Some might think the level of detail is excessive, but when you see pictures of the real Japanese marked planes.....its just nuts.
Manufacturer: X-Plus Heavy Metal Collection
Product code: 330098
Scale: 1/72
Availability: Worldwide
Release date: May 2011
Price: $AUD97
This is the X-Plus F-4B VF-111 Sundowners CAG. This is the first F-4 released by X-Plus(formerly Century Wings). By far the most expensive F-4 on the market, it brings with it the most details too. It is more accurate in shape than Hobby Master's F-4 and features a lot more tampo printed stencilling. This was done by the same designer that did Century Wing's models so you know that a lot of detail and care goes into the design of these. But then again, it is a lot more expensive than Hobby Master's offering. If you want the best F-4 model on the market, then this is it. But if you can do without the details then Hobby Master's F-4 will be more affordable.